CSCA Governing Documents

Rules & Regulations. The Board of Directors approved revisions to the CSCA Rules & Regulations in 2015, including the rules governing Assessment and Delinquent Payment(s) Procedures.

Condo By-Laws Download By-Laws in .PDF

Declaration of Condominium Download Declaration in .PDF

Amendment to the Declaration of Condominium Download Amendment to the Declaration in .PDF

CSCA Forms and Documents

2022 Reserve Replacement Report Attached is the 2022 Reserve Replacement Report. This report is ordered by the Association every 3-5 years to ensure that the Association is setting aside proper funds in reserve for future expenses. The report was produced by Miller Dodson Associates, a firm with thirty years of experience in this field and nationally recognized as one of the leading firms in the Reserve Study field.

The attached report analyzes the expected 40-year life-span and replacement costs of items that are the condominium’s responsibility and the reserves needed to meet those costs without the need for unexpected special assessments that can cause undue hardship on residents. Click here to view the plan.

Carrollsburg Square Site Plan Boundaries and building numbers of CSCA. Download Site Plan.pdf

Policy Request. To request Board action on a policy issue, download this instruction sheet. Download Policy Request pdf

Leasing of Units. The Board has renewed and updated the Association's Lease Addendum. This document must be submitted to the Managing Agent along with a copy of the lease with your tenant(s). Failure to do so will result in a violation and fine. Download Lease Addendum.pdf

Renovation Application. Fill out and submit this form if you wish to renovate your unit (painting the walls is not considered renovation). Also use this form if you wish to change a Common Element. Download Renovation App. pdf

Repair Request. To notify the Managing agent of repairs needed to any common element. Download this form and mail a completed copy to the address on the form. Download Repair Request pdf

Rules and Regulations The Carrollsburg Square Condominium Association Rules and Regulations. Download here.

Window Replacement Guidelines. Guidelines to follow when replacing any of your unit's windows. 

Assessment & Delinquent Payment Procedures. The Board has passed new rules regarding Assessment & Delinquent Payment Procedures, including increasing the late payment fee to 10% of the outstanding balance or $50, whichever is more.

Vehicle Registration Form for Authorized Parking. Please print and place this placard in contractor’s front windshield. Download form.

CSCA Provided Services

Water: CSCA provides water for all residents.  Please remember that water accounts for a sizable portion of our annual budget, so please conserve whenever possible. Please Click Here to learn simple steps you can take to conserve water. 

Landscaping: CSCA maintains the landscaping around our units on a regular basis.  If you have landscaping concerns or comments, please contact the Board of Directors.

Roofing: All condos roofs are maintained by the Association.  It is recommended that owners/residents contact CSCA Management when roof access is required for personal contractors/subcontractors.  No alterations or penetrations into the roof surface shall be permitted without express written approval of the Board of Directors.  This will insure that the roof warranty is kept in place.  

Snow Removal: Snow removal is a regular service of CSCA when show is above 3" is present. 

Trash Removal: Household garbage is collected three times a week: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Wednesday is the recycling pickup day.  Trash must be contained in plastic bags and stored in a proper trash receptacles with tight covers/lids.  Trash should placed neatly outside your unit in the appropriate location on the morning of pickup.  Cans should be promptly put away after collection.

Large Bulk Trash Removal: These items are scheduled for pickup several days per year.  Owners/residents will be notified in advance of large bulk trash pickup days.